Keirst Ferguson
Founder, Lead Instructor, 200-HR RYT
Boulder, Colorado
Keirst is the founder of Afternoon Yoga. She has completed two 200-hour RYT trainings, with an additional 20 hours in Katonah yoga.
Her practice incorporates elements from Ashtanga and Katonah, with a focus on individual empowerment, nervous system regulation and alignment.
Instructor, 200-HR RYT
Phoenix, Arizona
April loves inspiring people to connect with themselves through a movement- and inversion-based practice. With the proper guidance and training tools, we make what seems impossible, possible.
As we dive into this journey together, April will be there every step of the way to remind you that yes, this is hard work but this is work that you can do.
April Denning
Ben Kalra
Instructor, 500-HR RYT
Charlotte, North Carolina
Ben teaches creative vinyasa practices while remaining rooted in the traditions of Hatha Yoga. He's studied from many paths including Katonah Yoga, Mobility & Functional Range, and Adaptive Yoga.
He seeks to create spaces that are strong yet soft, explorative yet grounded, and embrace the imagination.