What is Somatic Vinyasa?

Somatic Vinyasa is a dynamic and transformative style of yoga that blends the fluid, breath-to-movement practice of Vinyasa with a mindful, body-centered approach of somatic movement.

In our Somatic Vinyasa class, the traditional vinyasa flow is slowed down, and students are guided to explore subtle, intuitive movements. The slower pace of class allows you to tune into sensations in your body, often leading to a release of tension, improving mobility, and restoring your sense of balance.

This mix is woven into a traditional vinyasa that allows practitioners dedicated time to focus on alignment to ensure body safety before moving into more freedom within their movement practice.

what is somatic yoga
what is somatic yoga

Who is Somatic Vinyasa for?

Somatic Vinyasa is an ideal choice for anyone looking to reconnect with their body, explore within their yoga practice, or discover a deeper level of inner peace and confidence. This practice is for those who want to cultivate mindfulness and body awareness while still enjoying a solid, strength building flow.

What are the benefits of Somatic Vinyasa?

  • Enhanced Body Awareness: Somatic Vinyasa is a practice that emphasizes a connection between the mind and body through deliberate movements. This heightened awareness can lead to improved posture, movement patterns, and overall alignment in the body.

  • Stress Reduction: The mindful, slow-paced flow of Somatic Vinyasa encourages deep relaxation and mental clarity, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Increased Flexibility & Strength: Each intentional movement in this practice will build body awareness, strength, and flexibility in the core, legs, and upper body.

  • Emotional Release: The emphasis on breath to movement in this practice can encourage the release of stored emotional tension or trauma holding patterns in the body, leading to healing and overall resilience.

what is somatic yoga

Somatic Vinyasa is featured as an offering at every retreat we host. Check out our 2025 locations. We’d love to have you.