How to Cultivate An At-Home Yoga Practice

We get it, going to the studio can be intimidating. Between finding the right community for you and arranging time to commute to your local studio, we decided it was time to remove the barriers to your daily yoga practice.

At home yoga practice

Here are our top 3 tips for cultivating a sustainable at-home yoga practice.

  1. Get the vibes right. Imagine your home as your own studio oasis. Set the lights, the tone, and let your loved ones know that this is time and space where you should not be disturbed. It’s a non-negotiable time for you, and a great way to practice boundary setting. Roll out the red carpet for yourself: make that cup of tea, put on some relaxing tunes, and get in the head space to nourish yourself. We’ve found that the more enjoyable you make this time for you, the more you’ll want to return to this space.

  2. Select your movement based on your mood. Our online platform has yoga videos categorized by time and type of movement. Check in with your energy levels, and decide what type of practice might serve you best for the moment you’re in. From guided meditation, breath-work, yin, vinyasa, and core - we’ve got you covered no matter how much time or energy you have.

  3. Practice at the same time everyday. Successfully creating a new habit works best when we practice it in a routine. Humans crave consistency, and the body registers time and location far before our conscious mind catches up. In fact, your body will eventually start to release relaxing hormones the moment you step into your yoga space. We suggest morning, lunch, or before bed, as these are often transition moments of our days where we can get caught in unhealthy habits like mindlessly scrolling or snacking. Regularly scheduled routines are predictable moments of mindfulness and help keep us accountable.

Regardless of where you are on your yoga journey, an at-home practice can be one of the most supportive habits to pick up. It creates a sense of calm that radiates throughout your household, positively impacting your close family and friends who live in the space with you.

Most importantly, give yourself time and patience while developing this new healthy habit. Know that your yoga mat and practice is always waiting for you to return to it.

Keirst Ferguson

Keirst is the founder of Afternoon Yoga, and co-founder of Rooted Renewal Wellness Retreats. She has completed two 200-hour RYT trainings, with an additional 20 hours in Katonah yoga, and has a background in Human Biology and Neuroscience.

Her practice incorporates elements from Ashtanga and Katonah, with a focus on individual empowerment, nervous system regulation and alignment.


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