How to Embrace a Growth Mindset

Embracing a growth mindset is all about our ability to see beyond our patterns, programming, automatic behaviors and habits.

It’s a shift from helplessness into autonomy and responsibility.

Some of the easiest ways to understand where you’re currently operating is to check-in with the limiting beliefs that you still hold. Here are some of the most common and our favorite ways to shift them:

  1. “I’m not good enough.” SHIFT TO — “I am willing to learn and practice more.”

  2. “I don’t have enough time.” SHIFT TO — “I am willing to prioritize what is important to me.”

  3. “I’m not smart enough.” SHIFT TO — “I am willing to learn more.”

  4. “I don’t have enough experience.” SHIFT TO — “I am open to new opportunities.”

  5. “I don’t have enough.” SHIFT TO — “I have everything I need, and can work for what I desire.”

  6. “I’ll never be successful.” SHIFT TO — “I am willing to work at this consistently and exercise patience.”

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Removing our limiting beliefs are a large part of the growth mindset, but it’s not the only part. It’s also critical to notice where you’re spending your time and what you are consuming.

Some of the most common ways we steal joy and our chance for deep connections are through what we call “cheap connections”. They last for a moment, and then leave you feeling unsatisfied and a little cynical. Cheap connections are things like gossip, drama, comparison, and shared distaste.

You know the saying, “misery loves company”? Confirmation bias is our brains tendency to search for information that proves what we already believe. If we are surrounded by others who are generally unhappy, we’re more likely to follow in their footsteps. Fortunately, the opposite is also true.

When we chose relationships, friendships, and healthy connections with clear communication and kindness at the core - our outlook swiftly begins to change.

Neuroscience confirms that our brains are capable of change, but this process does not happen over night. The small habits of our lives really begin to add up and create a cascade effect, for better or worse.

It’s all about living from a space of intention, understanding why you behave the way you do, and then deciding if it’s how you want to continue living. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who can make the change.

Keirst Ferguson

Keirst is the founder of Afternoon Yoga, and co-founder of Rooted Renewal Wellness Retreats. She has completed two 200-hour RYT trainings, with an additional 20 hours in Katonah yoga, and has a background in Human Biology and Neuroscience.

Her practice incorporates elements from Ashtanga and Katonah, with a focus on individual empowerment, nervous system regulation and alignment.


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